Sunday, March 21, 2010

Speaking About the Value of Proper Nutrition

I was a keynote speaker at The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAPHERD) conference in Indianapolis. I worked with both the Got Milk? Campaign and Ruth Carey, the Portland Trail Blazers Nutritionist. She is one of the few RD’s I have met that has become so well integrated into the fabric of the team organization.

Ruth Carey

It’s obvious, that what we eat is just as important as how we train, but so many sports organizations leave that part out! I was thrilled that she is able to truly educate the athletes about the value of proper nutrition and sports.

We share the same philosophy that by keeping yourself healthy you can perform to the best of your ability, whether a professional athlete, or an everyday person looking to “seize the day!” And yes ... I spoke to her about USANA so I hope to get her into the family!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Incredible Energy at the Las Vegas Celebration

The Las Vegas Celebration was awesome!!! I got so energized spending time with other USANA Associates and hearing all of the incredible speakers on Friday and Saturday.

What I love is the diversity of people who are all equally motivated by Dr. Wentz’s (USANA’s founder) vision of true health — a world free from disease, a world free from pain and suffering.

Through USANA, we are helping to change the health of our world one person at a time. A highlight for me in Vegas was the group of Associates from the Bay Area, my home. With Aaron Dinh as their fearless leader, they are so full of energy and they are a living example of the USANA family at its best.

I applaud them for their team spirit and their drive to be their best! I am thrilled to see everyone again in Salt Lake City at the International Convention in August!

And Collette Larsen is simply the best!! I always love to hear her speak!